Tuesday, August 4, 2009

If I had a million dollars...

I would go out and fly over to south carolina and buy a little house by my bestest friend in the world Brittnie...
she is on the right, her little puppy blondie in the middle and me on the left
I miss her dearly....
she moved away over a year ago and it's kinda something I don't think I'll get over...
no one has ever been as awesome as her = [
and I miss her...
so I would fer sure go live out there in the summer, and on long holiday's, and basicaly alot


  1. Oh sweetheart- I didn't know you had a blog! How cool. You are now in my google reader. thanks for following me- you might want to change your settings somehow because when I clicked on your picture from my blog it didn't show your blog.

    I like your plan for 1 million dollars. I would buy a house in MN to be close to you guys.

  2. I support your plan, HIGHLY. There's a house three down from mine for sale.. at least two bedrooms.. maybe three.
